
TELC Deutsch A1 exam

telc Deutsch A1 certificate documents your elementary language competence required for visa application for family reunion purposes etc. The German Consulates recognize telc certificates. The exams can be hold on Saturdays or sundays.

Exam fee: 150,00 €

1 week exam preparation course with 10 lessons in the group costs: 120,00 €. By Booking the course + exam the total costs are: 240 EUR.

Info about exam preparation course

Dates 2024: 17.02., 27.04., 14.09., 23.11.

Registration here

Telc Deutsch A2 exam

telc Deutsch A2 

telc Deutsch A2 certificate documents your elementary language competence required for visa application for family reunion purposes etc. The German Consulates recognize telc certificates.

Exam fee: 150,00 €

1 week exam preparation course with 10 lessons in the group costs: 120,00 €.

Info about exam preparation course

Dates 2024: 23.03., 16.06., 19.10.

Registration here

telc Deutsch A2-B1 - German Exam on 2 levels

TELC Deutsch B1 exam

At level B1 you can communicate in everyday life/ inwork-related conversations (telc Deutsch B1+ Beruf) and describe yourexperiences in a simple and connected way.

telc Deutsch B1 certificate is recognised as proof ofsufficient language competence for a German citizenship application.

Exam fee: 175,00 €

Info about exam preparation course

Dates 2024: 27.01., 02.03.,03.03.,06.04.,11.05.,15.06.,28.09.,07.12.

Registration here

TELC Deutsch B2 Exam

telc Deutsch B2

At level B2 you can express yourself clearly and explicitly and also successfully discuss and negotiate. You have a large vocabulary needed for your field of specialisation and for most general topics.  

Exam fee: 175,00 €

Info about exam preparation course

Dates 2024:  13.01.,17.02., 23.03.,27.04.,01.06.,06.07.,14.09., 19.10., 23.11.

Registration here

TELC DEUTSCH C1 Hochschule

telc C1 Hochschule (for studying at a german university)

telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule tests the German knowledge needed for success at an advanced academic level. The examination is suitable for adults who are interested in studying at German universities.   

Exam fee: 185,00 €

Info about exam preparation course

Dates 2024: 20.01., 24.03., 25.05., 29.06., 07.09.,12.10., 16.11.

Registration here

telc Deutsch C1 (Modified Format 2016)

Info about exam preparation course

Exam fee: 185,00 €

Exam dates 2024: 03.02.2024

Registration here